VoiceThread: it’s easy, engaging and pedagogically versatile! 

VoiceThread is an interactive collaboration and sharing tool that enables users to add images, documents, and videos to which other users can add voice, text, audio file or video comments – all asynchronously.   All reasons why we think it is a tool that can be used to enable transformative learning opportunities for students!

(Catch up on strategic uses: #edtech spotlight overview.)


Below is a list of upcoming webinars on VoiceThread.  It’s not too late to try in your S1 unit OR too early to start S2 planning!).

Insider tip: You can register for the session, be emailed a link to the recording and watch at your own leisure!

VoiceThread Basics 1- upload, comment and share

When: March 20, 2018 7:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)

 Register here

In this workshop, participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free members.

VoiceThread Basics 2- groups and secure sharing

When: March 27, 2018 7:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)

 Register here

In this workshop, we will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying

When: April 3, 2018 7:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)

 Register here

In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to use comment moderation to formatively assess student work, give private feedback, use threaded commenting, and copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups.


At present, only faculty Learning Designers can create VoiceThread links in your iLearn unit.

Contact fohs.lds@mq.edu.au


Check out the fruitful experiments and interactive applications by the Department of International Studies, Faculty of Arts:

(i) Visit the Faculty of Arts Toolbox iLearn unit

(ii) Click on the self-enrol button at the bottom of the list of convenors

(iii) Scroll down to Topic 12 ‘Communication and Collaboration’

(iv) Select the VoiceThread entitled ‘Copy of International Studies Presents – example uses from S1 2017

Posted by Rebecca Ritchie

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